S.T.E.P model for work-based project programs
01 S - Self-Study in LMS
The LMS platform is loaded with rich learning resources, engaging self-study modules, and students' personalized learning process to help students "Know" knowledge. This is the first step for students to access the training objectives and main training contents to form ideas about the lecture as well as form questions to serve the next learning step.
02 T - Training & Tutoring - Study with Live Class
After the first step of "Self-study", students already have an idea of the training objectives and have general knowledge about the training program. Students have also formed questions and concerns, then this step will help students understand deeply, discover how to apply theories into practice, as well as clarify opinions, questions, and perspectives with the support of instructors and fellow students.
This stage is implemented with Live Class model that helps students interact directly with lecturers and classmates like actually studying in a traditional classroom.
03 E - Evidence of Competency - Demonstrate Competencies
After gaining in-depth knowledge during the Live Class phase with the instructor and/or teaching assistant, students are assigned exercises to apply knowledge in the workplace.
Unlike conventional training models, which focus on questions and answers, SIMI Swiss and MI Swiss exercises are all in immersive form. Students are placed in a real-life context and use their own knowledge and experience to come up with applied solutions.
Solutions are realized through evidence of competency and students will demonstrate that they have achieved these competencies to complete the course and program.
100% of SIMI Swiss and MI Swiss programs meet the national occupational competency framework for each job position. By using the competency framework and evidence of competency as a basis for assessment, the SIMI Swiss and MI Swiss programs are considered the most effective today in the context of employers and businesses needing candidates with working ability instead of being good at solving exercises.
04 P - Projects - Graduation Projects
At the end of each program, after students have achieved the competencies through each subject, at this stage students will have the opportunity to apply all the competencies they have learned into major assignments to graduate. Big exercises are practical solutions right at work or in the industry you manage (for PhD level).
Students are supported in completing the project by instructors during the project implementation period. At the PhD level, students also have the opportunity and guidance to publish research in prestigious scientific journals under the ISI/SCOPUS system.
Benefits of Learning at your work.

Earn degrees without full-time university attendance.

Courses align with personal and professional goals.

Practical Learning
Combines online modules with work-based projects.

Immediate Application
Apply skills and knowledge in your workplace

Personalized education experience through self-study.

Career Advancement
Develops job-specific skills for career growth.
Learn more about our work-based learning program.
Saving and still learning with Swiss-made programs.
With the support of partner universities and a unique organizational model that doesn’t require obtaining a degree from SIMI, learners can save up to 90% on tuition fees compared to the original fees of SIMI Swiss.
Swiss Made programs
lead to degrees from our university partners.
You can contact us
Welcome to Schweizerischen Instituts für Management und Innovation erfüllt (MI Swiss) is an international cooperative institute of SIMI Swiss.