Master of Arts in TESOL

A program with Institut Brittany d'Enseignement Supérieur and Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia via APEL process managed by IBES.

  • Titulo Propio – Master of Arts in TESOL from Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM).
  • Master of Arts in TESOL from Institut Brittany d’Enseignement Supérieur (IBES).


Schweizer Institut für Hochschulbildung in Management and Innovation (MI Swiss) is the International Institute of SIMI Swiss. When participating in the program coordinated by MI Swiss with partner universities, students receive the following advantages:

80% Tuition Saving

Studying Swiss programs as an official SIMI Swiss student at a reduced tuition rate, while maintaining the same high standard and quality.

Multiple Qualifications

As the programs are accredited and recognized across various educational systems, students can earn multiple awards and recognitions after graduating.

Academic Support System

Students receive academic, English language support and academic mentoring through an exclusive support system from local science partners.

Flexible Learning Model

Live Class with SIMI Swiss's Lecturers, optimizing studying process for busy individuals.

Program in details

01 Introduction

In the context of English becoming a global communication language, mastering English not only opens the door to cultural exchange but also facilitates career development in many fields such as business, technology, tourism, and education. Consequently, the demand for English teachers with high professional qualifications, strong communication skills, and creative teaching methods is extremely high.


The MA in TESOL program offered by MI Swiss focuses not only on educational planning and management but also on providing in-depth knowledge for educators or potential English language instructors.


MI Swiss is the international cooperation institute of SIMI Swiss, the first higher education institute in Zug, Switzerland. It has cooperated with the Institut Brittany d’Enseignement Supérieur (IBES) and the top 200 European university – Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM) in Spain to recognize results and award qualifications.

Through the MI Swiss Institute for International Cooperation, learners can participate in original programs and receive exclusive study support from SIMI Swiss, while also earning qualifications from the Institut Brittany d’Enseignement Supérieur (IBES) and the top 200 European university – Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM), Spain. This model helps students save up to 80% of tuition compared to the original cost when not getting a qualification directly from SIMI Swiss.

02 Program Details

The program consists of 3 modules in pedagogy, 3 modules in English language teaching and Master's Dissertation, totaling 180 UK/90 ECTS Credits over a minimum duration of 1.5 years.

The 3 modules in Pedagogy:

After each module, learners will take an ending exam. The end-of-module exams are application-oriented essays to help learners review knowledge, apply knowledge in the workplace, and improve the practical environment.

The 3 modules in English teaching:
Teaching Reading and Writing (20 UK/10 ECTS Credits):
  • Topic 1 – The Nature of Reading
  • Topic 2 – Models of Reading
  • Topic 3 – Reading and the Second Language Reader
  • Topic 4 – Social Contexts and Motivation to Read
  • Topic 5 – Individual Student Variation
  • Topic 6 – Reading and Vocabulary Development
  • Topic 7 – Strategic and Fluent Reader
  • Topic 8 – Extensive and Intensive Reading
  • Topic 9 – Theoretical Orientations to Second Language Writing
  • Topic 10 – Learning to Write in the Second Language
  • Topic 11 – Writing Process
  • Topic 12 – Response, Error Correction and Grading
  • Topic 13 – Second Language Writing and Culture
  • Topic 14 – Writer’s Workshop Approach
Teaching Listening and Speaking (20 UK/10 ECTS Credits)
  • Topic 1 – Listening as Comprehension & Listening as Acquisition
  • Topic 2 – Cyclical Approach in Teaching Listening
  • Topic 3 – Principles of Developing Listening Activities
  • Topic 4 – Types of Meaning for Listening
  • Topic 5 – Examples of Listening Activities
  • Topic 6 – Learning Styles and Listening Strategies
  • Topic 7 – Functions of Speaking
  • Topic 8 – Talk as Interaction, Transaction and Performance
  • Topic 9 – Types of Speaking Activities
  • Topic 10 – Assessment of Speaking
  • Topic 11 – Teaching Pronunciation in a Second or Foreign Language
  • Topic 12 – Speaking and Listening Fluency
Language Assessment and Testing (20 UK/10 ECTS Credits)
  • Topic 1 – Role and Purpose of Testing and Evaluation
  • Topic 2 – Principles of Test and Measurement
  • Topic 3 – Limitation of Tests
  • Topic 4 – Basic Statistics and Measurement
  • Topic 5 – Reliability of Tests
  • Topic 6 – Validity of Tests
  • Topic 7 – Item Analysis
  • Topic 8 – Different Formats of Assessment
  • Topic 9 – Objective Language Tests
  • Topic 10 – Subjective Language Tests
  • Topic 11 – Technology in Assessment
  • Topic 12 – Authentic Assessment
Master’s Dissertation stage (60 UK/30 ECTS Credits):
  • Dissertation
  • Defend Dissertation

After going through the APEL process from the IBES, students who complete the program will be jointly recognized and awarded qualifications by Institut Brittany d’Enseignement Supérieur (IBES), and Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM).

Graduating from the program, the student could:
  • Develop leadership skills for educational management.
  • Attain accreditation as an educational manager with an international-standard pedagogical system.
  • Create educational models meeting quality management standards.
  • Plan marketing and enrollment strategies in a competitive educational landscape.
  • Lead and manage a team of lecturers, integrating modern teaching technologies.
  • Master the formation, evaluation, and management of training programs.
Teaching and learning strategies:

The program's central training philosophy starts with understanding the theory and case studies currently applied in world enterprises and then applies the learned knowledge to the enterprises themselves and the learners’ business environment. In addition to the practical knowledge, the program also equips the necessary skills for a business leader and manager in the volatile and risky global business context.

The program is Learner-centered and focuses on solving students’ problems:

The Student-centered training method will focus on solving learners’ problems through background knowledge and case studies that are applied in successful businesses worldwide. Through each module, learners will step by step solve management problems that they face every day with the guidance of the theoretical system, the practice system, expert lecturers and local teaching assistants.

03 Admission

In addition to the entry requirements, candidates applying to the program are also assessed for their suitability by the admissions committee before joining the program to ensure that they can acquire and benefit from the program.

Entry requirements:

To enroll this program, learners must possess one of the criteria below:

  • A Bachelor's qualification in English or Education from accredited universities; 
  • Or a Level 6 EQF diploma or equivalent in English or Education. Level 6 Diplomas must be issued by organizations authorized to award qualifications and must be accredited.
English requirements:

If a learner is not from a predominantly English-speaking country, proof of English language proficiency must be provided.

  • Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) level B2 or equivalent;
  • Or A minimum TOEFL score of 101 or IELTS 6.5; Reading and Writing must be at 6.5 or equivalent.

Please note

1. SIMI and MI Swiss reserve the right to make admissions decisions based on the requirements of recognized agencies and the global quotas of the program.

2. Bachelors in other majors must meet English entry standards and must demonstrate a minimum of 3 years of English teaching experience.

3. If you already have a Bachelor's degree in English, English pedagogy, or a Bachelor's program taught in English, you will be exempt from English entry.

04 Learning method

MI Swiss functions as an International Cooperation Institute of the Swiss Information and Management Institute (SIMI Swiss), established with the aim of providing learners with more opportunities to participate in Swiss programs in the context that SIMI Swiss's tuition subsidy programs have reached their maximum quota.
MI Swiss implements SIMI Swiss programs, but learners will receive their qualifications from university partners, allowing students to save on tuition fees while still accessing Swiss-Made academic programs at a more affordable cost
Learning mode
With the goal of providing an effective learning experience and adapting to the global educational landscape, programs at SIMI Swiss apply a flexible learning model (combining Live classes and online local tutors), helping to optimize learning efficiency for busy working people.
The video provides learners with a direct and comprehensive overview of enrolling in online classes at SIMI Swiss: 
Supporting Systems:
We understand that pursuing a postgraduate accredited program can be both exciting and challenging, especially for busy adult learners. To assist in overcoming challenges, we’ve developed the SIMI Swiss Supporting Systems, designed to help navigate any difficulties during learners studies.
For a comprehensive overview of our support, please watch our informative videos for assistance at every step of your academic journey:
Effective SIMI Pedagogy:
At SIMI, we pay special attention to the effectiveness of our programs. As for our exclusive teaching method specifically designed for busy learners, we strongly believe that this method will allow learners to seamlessly integrate foundational theory and professional knowledge into the context of real life and career.
The following video will help you understand this method more deeply: 

05 Transition from another program

In collaboration with APEL.Q (Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning for Qualifications), the world's first experience-to-credit and diploma conversion system, students who are in the middle of studying in a peer-level program can can be considered for transfer to MI Swiss and partner university programs to save time and costs.

Candidate benefits:
  • Learners do not have to retake the subjects they have learned if the subjects have the same or similar Learning Outcome of the subjects that MI Swiss is implementing.
  • Reduced fees based on the number of transferable credits.
  • Reduced study and graduation time corresponding to transferable credits.
Applicable objects:
  • Students studying in other programs wish to transfer results to programs of MI Swiss and partner universities.
  • Students have graduated from an equivalent program who wish to save time and money to earn a qualification in another major.
Admission and Transfer Principles:
  • The program being accepted must be equivalent and within the same field of study.
  • Courses previously completed (with transcripts, results, or proof of study) must fully or partially correspond to the courses in the MI Swiss program and its partner university.
  • MI Swiss and its partner university reserve the right to determine (1) the number of credits to be transferred, (2) the fees to be reduced, and (3) the potential shortening of the program duration.
  • MI Swiss does not accept students from fraudulent universities.



About Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM):
  • UCAM is a national-level university recognized by the Spanish Ministry of Education;
  • Ranked in the Top 10 universities in Spain by U-MultiRank;
  • Ranked 4th in Spain in the Best Global Universities Ranking;
  • Ranked 151 – 200 in the Europe Teaching Rankings;
  • Ranked 531-540 in the QS World University Rankings;
  • Awarded 5 stars by the QS Stars Rating System;
  • Ranked 351-400 in the Young University Rankings by THE (Times Higher Education);
  • UCAM’s education program is ranked 501-600 globally by THE.
  • Guidelines of how to check the accreditation of UCAM: CLICK HERE
  • See more information about the recognition and academic awards of UCAM CLICK HERE


About Institut Brittany d’Enseignement Supérieur:
  • The Institut Brittany d’Enseignement Supérieur, France, is an institution for higher education and postgraduate training under Article R.6351-6 of the French Employment Code, licensed for the ILE-DE-FRANCE region with registration number 11755913675;
  • IBES is an educational institution registered with the French Ministry of Education as an Institute providing undergraduate and postgraduate programs according to the French Education Act – Code de l’Education Articles L 444-1 to 444-11 and R 444-1 to 444-28 for online education;
  • A member of the European Association for Distance Learning (EADL) and has achieved the national quality certification Qualiopi.

08 SIMI Swiss

Through the MI Swiss International Cooperation Institute, students can study SIMI Swiss programs directly but will only receive qualifications from partner universities. This allows students to benefit from Swiss-made programs by SIMI Swiss while also being eligible for scholarships from partner universities.
  • Accreditation on the Swiss Government Education Portal SVEB: CLICK HERE
  • Accreditation of SIMI Swiss accreditations and recognitions: CLICK HERE
  • All information about the accreditation, recognition, and Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QAQC) system of SIMI Swiss: CLICK HERE

09 Disclaimer

The Swiss Information and Management Institute (SIMI Swiss), MI Swiss along with our Partner Universities, Academic Partners, Local Supporting Partners, and Qualification Awarding Bodies (collectively referred to as the 'Parties' or 'We'), hereby state and affirm that:

  • The Parties expressly disclaim any guarantee of acceptance of a degree by a third party. The acceptance or rejection of a degree is contingent upon the discretion of the receiving entity.
  • The Parties explicitly disavow any guarantee pertaining to salary increments, promotions, new employment opportunities, or employment acceptance subsequent to graduation.
  • Although there exist regulations concerning cross-recognition and equivalence of qualifications, it is important to note that each country, organization, and entity retains the right to acknowledge and recognize its own degrees. The Parties do not assure automatic recognition of degrees during the diploma and certificate usage process, including the issuing of transcripts, by any of our members. Furthermore, the Parties do not assure or endorse the process of recognizing equivalent qualifications (if applicable).
  • The Parties do not assure or commit to facilitating opportunities for immigration, employment abroad, acquisition of work permits, teaching permits, or professional licenses in the UK, Europe, or any other country.
  • While the Parties extend maximum support, they do not guarantee 100% approval of student visas (in the case of full-time study) or Schengen visas (for attendance at the graduation ceremony in Europe) if learners do not meet the requirements of the host country and the competent authority responsible for immigration, relocation, and settlement in other countries.

Reference: Testimonial from Vietnamese National Students for Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM)

Source: UCAM Universidad Católica de Murcia

Welcome to MI Swiss!

For free consultation, catalogue and more information on tuition fee, do not hesitate to contact us!