Study with SIMI
Swiss and receive qualification from Ofqual

In contexts where SIMI Swiss's tuition fees are unaffordable and may not suit most students who still wish to enroll in the original SIMI Swiss program, MI Swiss allows students to study Swiss programs as official SIMI Swiss students while saving costs by obtaining qualification(s) from partner universities instead of pursuing the expensive SIMI Swiss programs.

The Ofqual UK.Gov Awarding Body

As part of the UK national qualification framework, qualifications within the Level UK system are acknowledged by the UK government and the majority of countries and territories, including the United States and Canada.

Equivalent to a qualification from University

Qualifications according to the Ofqual are recognized as equivalent to qualifications awarded by Public Universities in the UK. Specifically, Level 6 is equivalent to a Bachelor's qualification, Level 7 is equivalent to a Master's qualification, and Level 8 is equivalent to a Doctoral qualification.

Globally Recognized

The degree is recognized by the UK government and is compatible with all national qualification frameworks of other countries. Therefore, graduates can easily have their qualifications directly recognized and deemed equivalent in most countries and territories.

Super Savings Study Abroad

Due to its recognition and ease of transfer, the Ofqual qualifications enable students who want to study abroad to transition directly (Top-Up) into the final stage of undergraduate programs, thereby saving time and costs.

Settling and Working Abroad

The Ofqual qualifications assist students in easily demonstrating their qualifications when applying for residency, working abroad, or for candidates who want to become expats in a foreign country.


01 What are the superior distinctions does Level UK have?

Level UK is a practical and modern training program developed by the UK government since 2016, amidst economic fluctuations, global migration, and a surge in demand for overseas work by professionals. Among numerous training programs, Level UK is the optimal choice for learners who aspire to:

  • Cost savings: The cost of Level UK is only 20% of that for undergraduate and postgraduate education in the United Kingdom.
  • National recognition: As part of the UK national qualification framework, qualifications within the Level UK system are acknowledged by the UK government and the majority of countries and territories, including the United States and Canada.
  • Unlimited transition: In the dynamic work environment, the ability to transition, adapt to new specialties, and swiftly adjust to new work environments is particularly crucial. Level UK enables students to obtain a second qualification in majors from UK public universities and worldwide in just 6 to 9 months with the completion of a thesis.
  • Super Savings Study Abroad: For those who desire full-time studies at public universities in the UK and other countries but have budget constraints, Level UK is the most cost-effective path. For instance, after completing the Level 7 Diploma, students can pursue full-time studies for a Master’s qualification at public universities in the UK and only need to pay fees for the thesis stage.
  • Quick Graduation for Employment: The Level UK program is not protracted, and it excludes research-oriented subjects found in traditional programs. Students can graduate promptly upon completing the coursework.
  • Equivalent Recognition with no Discrimination against Traditional University Education in the UK and Worldwide: The Level UK system, developed by the UK government, exhibits correlation, equivalence, and seamless transferability with traditional education systems without limitations.
  • Online Learning without Impacting Employment: The Level UK program is 100% implemented through Live Class model (combining live televised classes with local academic support systems). The learning models optimize the learning process for working individuals.
  • Why is Level UK of the British government the optimal choice for learners and employers? CLICK HERE
  • The meaning of Level System in the labor market in the context of global labor mobility: CLICK HERE
  • The meaning of Level System in global diploma recognition: CLICK HERE

02 Are Diplomas equivalent to Ofqual qualifications?

Based on the UK national qualifications framework and the compatibility between the Level framework (RQF Framework) and the traditional university education system (FHEQ Framework), the Level 7 Diploma of the Level UK system is equivalent to the level of a Master’s qualification in the UK according to the UK higher education framework.

According to the direction of the UK government, the Level 7 Diploma is implemented entirely in the direction of practical competencies, so there is no research phase. With the practical and applied orientation mentioned above, the Level 7 Diploma of Level UK will encompass all subjects of a Master’s program but will not include research subjects and/or credits, resulting in fewer credits compared to a Master’s qualification in the UK.

Reference (information below is sourced from relevant entities authorized by the UK government, and it is not the property of Level UK):

  • Reference portal linking various Levels in the UK national education system: CLICK HERE
  • Comparison table between UK education levels and European education levels: CLICK HERE

1. Confirmation from ENIC NARIC regarding the equivalence of the RQF Level 6 Diploma to a Bachelor’s qualification in the UK:

2. Confirmation from ENIC NARIC regarding the equivalence of the RQF Level 7 Diploma to a Master’s qualification in the United States:

3. Confirmation from ENIC NARIC regarding the equivalence of the RQF Level 8 Diploma to a Doctor’s qualification in the UK:

03 How is Diploma recognized globally?

An example of a qualification from the Ofqual UK.Gov Awarding Body OTHM:

OTHM Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership program is accredited by the UK’s government with the Qualification Number: 603/2181/7.

The OTHM Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership is recognized at Level 7 of the UK National Qualifications Framework and Level 7 of the European Qualifications Framework:

Based on the systems comparing the equivalency between the National Qualifications Framework and regional frameworks:

The OTHM Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership is recognized as Master Level across Europe according to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF):

Source: Qualifications can Cross Boundaries - A guide to comparing qualifications in the UK and Ireland

The OTHM Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership is recognized as Master Level across Australia according to the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF):

Source: Australia Gov – Comparative Analysis of the Australian Qualifications Framework and the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning: Joint Technical Report

The OTHM Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership is recognized as Master Level across African according to the African Qualifications Framework (ACQF):

Source: African Continental Qualifications Framework ACQF MAPPING STUDY

OTHM Level 7 Diploma is recognized as Master Level in the ASEAN:

According to the ASEAN common reference competency framework, the OTHM Level 7 Diploma in Business Management is recognized as an ASEAN Master Level. Reference: CLICK HERE

OTHM Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership in the United States and Canada: 

Being a qualification within the framework of the UK National Qualifications Framework, recognized by Ofqual, OTHM’s diploma is not only acknowledged in the UK, Europe, and countries that adhere to the National Qualification Framework but also in countries with education systems that haven’t strictly implemented the National Qualification Framework, such as the United States and Canada.

The following instructions are for verifying the recognition of OTHM by WES (World Education Services) in the United States and Canada for immigration and educational purposes. Please note that the information is accurate at the time of publication and may be subject to changes by WES and the regulations of individual governments.

WES (World Education Services) is a non-profit organization that provides credential evaluation services for international students seeking to study and work in the United States and Canada. The information below is provided solely to demonstrate that OTHM is verified by WES at the time of the information’s release and is not intended for any other purposes, including promotion, support, commitment to immigration, or relocation. SIMI Swiss and its partners do not commit to, charge for, or provide consultation on this service.

After registering an account with WES (free of charge), individuals seeking recognition will see the following tables in sequence.

Important Notes: The concept of RECOGNITION as described is determined by the correlation between equivalent reference frameworks among countries and regions. However, each country retains the right to decide whether to recognize a diploma, a program, or a graduate candidate based on its specific regulations, which may change over time and may have differing perspectives between education systems. Therefore, the information provided is for reference only, and we do not commit or promise that your diploma will be automatically recognized in any country.

04 How does the training process take place?

Students will directly study with SIMI Swiss with a 100% Swiss original program using Live Class model (combines foreign instructors with local online support system).

The video below describes the learning process of SIMI Swiss: CLICK HERE.

05 Is studying Live Class with SIMI effective?

Live Class is a training model that has developed dramatically when students can interact directly with instructors, while still having access to self-study materials on the Swiss LMS system.

The video below describes the pedagogy and effectiveness of SIMI Swiss’s Learning model with Live Class: CLICK HERE.

06 Who will be studying with me, and who are the instructors?

When implemented globally, Level UK exclusively collaborates with SIMI Swiss. Students pursuing the Level 7 Diploma will directly engage with SIMI Swiss and study alongside SIMI Swiss Master’s students.

07 How is the results recognition process carried out?

Level UK is a government-recognized program, so the results recognition process involves two independent assessments: Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) and External Quality Assurance (EQA) for each course and training outcome.


IQA: After completing a course, students submit their assignments to the SIMI Swiss system, and SIMI Swiss instructors assess the results. Provisional results are then returned to the students.


EQA: At the end of the course, all results are sent to the UK for an independent evaluation. The final results will be recognized and awarded a qualification by OTHM.

Programs on Ofqual

Qualification Awarding Partners<br />

Programs Catagory: